Perceptual Learning Styles

Perceptual Learning Styles in Maryville, TN

Learn Smarter with Perceptual Learning Styles

What are the primary learning styles recognized by the institute?

The Institute for Learning Styles Research recognizes several  Perceptual Learning Styles that highlight how individuals best process and retain information. These  Perceptual Learning Styles include visual, where learners prefer images and written information; auditory, where learning occurs through listening and verbal interactions; and tactile, which involves hands-on activities and physical engagement. In addition, kinesthetic learners thrive through movement and experiential learning, emphasizing the diversity of Perceptual Learning Styles . By understanding and applying these Perceptual Learning Styles , educators and trainers can create personalized strategies that cater to individual needs, leading to improved outcomes and a more engaging learning experience. Explore our resources today and discover how  Perceptual Learning Styles can transform the way you teach and learn!

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The 7 Perceptual Learning Styles

Perceptual learning styles are the means by which learners extract information from their surroundings through the use of their five senses. Individuals have different "pathways" that are specific to them. When information enters that "pathway" the information is retained in short term memory. Repeated exposure and use promote retention in long term memory. The seven perceptual modes (pathways) included in this theory are print, aural, interactive, visual, haptic, kinesthetic, and olfactory.

Our Mission

The Institute for Learning Styles Research (ILSR) is a group of researchers, instructors, and individuals interested in the art and science of learning and teaching. The ILSR is a not-for-profit organization "dedicated to fostering research and development of learning and teaching." The particular area of interest is the matching of learning styles knowledge with teaching strategies and techniques.

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A Brief History of Our Institute


In the early 1970’s, Dr. Russell French of the University of Tennessee in Knoxville formulated a framework of perceptual learning styles. Teaching Strategies and Learning Processes by Russell L. French. Daryl Gilley, a graduate student of Dr. French, tested students from a classroom within this framework. Another graduate student of Dr. French, Edwin Cherry, revised the framework and then tested others within this refined perceptual learning styles paradigm. The result of this early work in perceptual learning styles was the creation and development of the Multi-Modal Paired Associates Learning Test (MMPALT.)

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Our Organization

The group formally organized in 1996 after meeting informally for several years to discuss perceptual learning style theory and the MMPALT. Once chartered, the ILSR began revising the MMPALT-II to improve the testing sequence and the MMPALT-III was completed. Institute for Learning Styles Research conferences are held biannually during the winter and summer.

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FROM: The Program Committee of the ILSR's

WHAT: The Program Committee invites proposals for presentations at the Institute for Learning Styles Research (ILSR) Conferences. Proposals may be based on either current/recent research, published or unpublished, or a synthesis of findings already in the literature. The Program Committee is seeking presentations related to:

  • Teaching and Learning Methods
  • Implications of assessment models on the teaching-learning process
  • Effective assessment designs
  • Perceptual learning styles and strategies
  • Instructional strategies utilizing learning styles

Proposals will be evaluated on the relevance of the issue, technical strength and clarity.

Target: Individuals interested in fostering the art and science of learning and teaching.

Submit: Please complete proposal  form and mail, fax, or submit via email to (either Word Perfect or Word)

Dr. Maria Martinez Witte

ILSR Program Committee
4036 Haley Center
Auburn University, AL 36849-5221
FAX: (334) 844-3072

Questions? Please contact Dr. Maria Witte at (334) 844-3078 or via email:

Officers & Directors

Below you will find a list of our current Board of Directors and Officers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact us. We will be happy to respond to any inquiries you may have.


Dr. Maria Witte



Dr. Patricia Clark


research director

Dr. Donna Gainer

Research Director

membership director

Dr. Kathy Hulley

Membership Director


Dr. Ed Cherry


Multi-Modal Paired Associates Learning Test (MMPALT-III)

Learning styles can be measured through the administration of the Multi-Modal Paired Associates Learning Test (MMPALT-III). The instrument is a performance test that measures recall of paired information in each of the seven perceptual modalities.

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Dedicated to Fostering the Art of Teaching

The Institute for Learning Styles Research (ILSR) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to fostering research and development of the art and science of learning and teaching. Our particular area of interest is the matching of learning styles knowledge with teaching strategies and techniques. Researchers, Students, Practitioners...The Program Committee invites proposals for presentations at the Institute for Learning Styles Research (ILSR) Summer Conference. Proposals may be based on either current/recent research, published or unpublished, or a synthesis of findings already in the literature.

Targeted Audience: Individuals interested in fostering the art and science of learning and teaching.

The Program Committee is seeking presentations related to:

  • Teaching and learning methods 
  • Implications of assessment models in the workplace or in the teaching-learning process
  • Learning strategies in an educational or workforce setting
  • Instructional strategies using learning styles

 Proposals will be evaluated on the relevance of the issue; technical strength; and clarity of proposal.

Submission of Proposals: Please complete the proposal form and mail, or submit via email to (either in Word Perfect or Word)

Dr. Maria Martinez Witte
ILSR Program Committee
4036 Haley Center
Auburn University, AL 36849-5221

FAX: (334) 844-3072

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Contact the Institute for Learning Styles Research

Have a question? We are here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Tell me about the Institute for Learning Styles Research

    The Institute for Learning Styles Research (ILSR) is a group of researchers, instructors, and individuals interested in the art and science of learning and teaching. The ILSR is a not-for-profit organization "dedicated to fostering research and development of learning and teaching." The particular area of interest is the matching of learning styles knowledge with teaching strategies and techniques.

  • When were you founded?

    The group was formally organized in 1996 after meeting informally for several years to discuss perceptual learning style theory and the MMPALT. Once chartered, the ILSR began revising the MMPALT-II to improve the testing sequence and the MMPALT-III was completed. Institute for Learning Styles Research conferences are held biannually during the winter and summer.

  • What's the best way to contact you?

    You can easily contact us through our contact form on this website. You may also email us directly at

    Alternatively, you may call us at 865-385-1715. We look forward to hearing from you.

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